Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pictures of NAMI

The NAMI National Convention in Chicago wrapped up last night. I'm headed out back to San Diego later today and will have a lot more to report when I get back. In the meantime, three photo highlights ...

Left: Two days ago. I couldn't believe it when I spotted a drum circle on the program, and I was ready. Drum circles are catching on as a healing activity in mental health and pretty soon they will be everywhere. Didgeridoos fit right in. This particular drum circle was special. Just about everyone was new. Yet, in nothing flat, everyone was part of a mysterious process, where the sum is greater than the parts, a self-organizing system equivalent to geese flying in formation, pure magic. They all "got it" instantly ...

Above: Last night, NAMI Talent Showcase. Earlier at the Convention, I ran into Sarah, who plays Indian flute. So instead of separate acts, we did a number together. I started out with a low pulsing drone, then she came in over the top, slow and easy. Then I'd break out with something fast and loud and energetic and her flute would trill and soar and sparkle from above. Then back to slow ... I never wanted the moment to end, but when the time was right we signaled each other. She put down her flute. It was just me breathing soft air into the didge. Then it was quiet. The molecules in the room became still ...

Left: Yesterday morning. Mental health advocacy is a thankless task. This year, someone thanked us. At the NAMI business meeting, NAMI San Diego was honored as outstanding local affiliate. Holding the Award is Bettie Reinhardt, the guiding force of NAMI San Diego for 17 years as executive director. She "retired" from the job early last year, only to be working harder than ever. Brandi Marcoe (right), one of our program managers, accepted the Award on behalf of our affiliate. Rita Navarro (left) is both the grease that keeps an enormously complex organization running and the glue that holds it all together. Behind them, unseen, are the countless staff and volunteers and partners in the community over the years who represent the possible in a dream we refuse to acknowledge as impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the award for San Diego NAMI and welcome back! So glad the Didge went with you for all the blood and glory.
