Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jung's Red Book! Unbelievable!

Yesterday, UPS dropped off my copy of Jung's "The Red Book." I finally broke down and bought it after a friend emailed me an Amazon gift certificate. These photos (from my iPhone) hardly do the book justice, but do provide an indication of the stupendous treasure I feel I have acquired.

Jung began work on his Red Book in 1913, soon after his acrimonious break with Freud. Jung felt himself slipping into psychosis and feared he was "doing a schizophrenia." Over the next 16 years, he cultivated direct experiences with his unconscious, recording his observations in an exquisitely rendered Gothic script, with beautifully illuminated illustrations.

The manuscript, bound in a red leather cover, sat in a bank vault for decades. Ten or so years ago, Jung's family finally consented to publication, and its release in 2009 created a sensation. The book, printed on museum-quality paper, is larger in area than the average Manhattan apartment.

I will have a lot more to say in future posts. In the meantime, enjoy the pics ...


  1. I don't have my own copy, but I've borrowed it and perused it and it IS an incredible book! Enjoy!

    I know I will once I get some funds in my pocket!

  2. Hey, Tony. I'm wishing that maybe Jung has a Green or a Yellow Book buried in a bank vault somewhere. :)

  3. Hey, Gina. You said it. I really need a grand piano to properly display the book. Instead, I picked up a used dictionary stand via Craigs List, which works almost as well. The book and the stand are a brilliant addition to my place.

  4. I just woke up from a nap and remembered seeing a yellow book ( in my dream) with a square design in the middle of the cover. It was authored by Jung and that's why I googled "Jung yellow book" which brought me here. I hope a yellow one is found one day to perhaps explain the rest of the dream....weird.
