Monday, April 18, 2011

Scenes From My NAMI San Diego Walk

These are freeze frames from video footage I shot of the NAMI San Diego Walk on Saturday. I serve on the board of NAMI SD and was on the committee that planned the Walk. My main task was to bring my didgeridoo, round up drummers, and shoot video. I showed up at 5:30 AM to film people setting up and organizing. Then the mobs descended.

We had gorgeous weather, it was a great turn-out, and Annie and her crew did a spectacular job making this event truly special.

I arrived back at my place 5 PM, immediately crashed, and didn't wake up for 14 hours.

Stay tuned for the video ...


  1. We had a great time meeting up with you John. Look forward to seeing you again when I'm town.

  2. Hey, Tony. Ditto. Great meeting you and Madonna. Perfect day! Please let me know when you're back in town. :)
