Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An Eisenhower Appreciation

When I visited Kansas last week to keynote the DBSA State Conference in Manhattan, I made a side trip to Abilene, where Dwight Eisenhower grew up and where the Eisenhower Presidential Museum and Library is located.

I’ve long argued that Eisenhower is a very underrated President. Coming after Roosevelt and Truman, it is easy to see why. But now that we have ten Presidents who came later to compare him to, there is no question as to his rightful place in history.

As a military commander who sent men into battle, Eisenhower knew all too well the realities of war and its limitations. Significantly, he began his Presidency by ending a war (in Korea). Throughout his Presidency, he proved astonishingly adept at keeping the peace, while at the same time successfully containing the Soviet threat. The quotes below provide an excellent insight into the mind of the man:

More later ...

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