Monday, November 9, 2009

Mental Health Break No. 26,493,178 - A Walk in My Neighborhood

My daily routine is to calmly crank out my work from home till just before I'm ready to scream. That is my cue to head out for a walk. I'm 3,500 feet up in the mountains 40 miles east of San Diego. Today, I drove one mile as the crow flies to the entrance of a state park, which I had all to myself. I shot the pics from my iPhone. Enjoy ...


  1. Nice slide show! How'd you get your website to do that?

  2. Hey, Louise. It took me the better part of the evening to figure out what is really a simple procedure: Load the pics into Picassa, then click the button to upload to an online Picassa location, and from there click a slideshow button that creates an embed code. Copy and paste the embed code into the HTML for my blog, and - voila!
