Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I could write a thousand words on how moving to southern California from New Jersey two and a bit years ago dramatically improved my mental health, but this short video will actually show you.

Today, I drove two miles to the entrance of a state park and trekked a short distance in. It had been a rainy week, which meant a special treat - waterfall!

In the summer it will be gone, but then I will have different sites and sights to savor. Enjoy ...


  1. Lovely. Mother Nature is the best nurturer of the mind and soul, eh? Now let me knock your socks off by inviting you to come visit Niagara Falls. :)

  2. LOL! Definitely not in Feb. OK, you got me. Maybe it's better in California. :) I did live in California when I was a year old. Can't remember much, though.
